What is the Accessibility Fund?

In 2010 it was recognized by the cluster members that without including people with disability in mainstream health programs, it is impossible to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. All of the cluster members are working for poor and marginalized communities, and people with disabilities are often the most vulnerable among marginalized communities.

- There is a need to create an inclusive environment for people with disabilities, and accessibility is often a barrier. The government has very limited resources for accessibility. Most of the cluster programs want to make their programs inclusive but accessibility is a significant need to be addressed.

- Consequently, the cluster has created an accessibility fund, with the support of Rotary International, to support people with disability to obtain mobility aids, undertake modifications, redesign public places and create inclusive WASH facilities.

-The cluster has a Cluster Disability Advisory Committee (CDAC) who monitors all the disability work in the cluster. The members are Mr. Robert Kumar as Cluster Disability Advisor (CDA), Mrs. Madhu Singh as chairperson, Mr. J.P. Singh, Mr. P. M. Samuel, and Miss. Pratima Singh. The CDAC is authorized to distribute and monitor the fund as per the following guidelines.